Homeschooling Moments With Micah

“Mom, I changed my mind.  I don’t want to be a paleontologist when I grow up.  I want to be a genius instead.”

“… Mom?  What’s a genius?”

. . .

“Mom! [insert random factoid here]  People who are 50-percent un-smarter than me might not know that!”

. . .

Synonym game:  I say a word, Micah says a synonym:

  • Small.  “Little.”
  • Up. “High.”
  • Cool. “Cold.”
  • Pretty. “Nice.”

We are in SO much trouble.

Sometimes Even My Big Guy …

… looks pretty little.

After an exciting weekend with the cousins, Micah fell asleep on Grandpa’s coat and a stuffed bunny he’s named “Snuggle Bug.”  Yes, even my big guy is still pretty little.  And, it’s good for me to remember that and treasure these days … because I know he won’t be little very long.


Jesse’s Club Feet: Cured!

This post is long overdue.  In fact, I didn’t realize that I never posted a conclusion to Jesse’s foot issues until a reader asked me how his foot was doing!

The truth is, his foot has been so good for so long, we don’t even think about it anymore!  He wore his foot brace at night until he was 21 months old, and has needed no treatment or intervention ever since.

In September, (right after his 2nd birthday) we took him to Shriner’s for his final appointment.  His doctor declared his feet completely cured, and said he doesn’t need to see him again!

Here are his little feet when he was 1 month old:  his left foot was stiff and “stuck” in that position:

After 6 weeks of casting, a few months of round-the-clock bracing, then bracing only at night, our Jesse was running by 10-months old!  He hasn’t stopped running, climbing, spinning, or jumping ever since.

And, here are his perfect feet now:  The hardest part was getting them to hold still long enough to snap a picture!

We are so thankful for this amazing result!  How blessed we are to have such wonderful doctors and medical care available – and we thank our Lord, the Great Physician, most of all.

Backyard Paradise

After what seemed like months of grey skies, rain, and cold weather (although I know this winter was really quite mild!), Sunday brought us sunshine, mid-60s, and blooming crocuses!

The boys (and their parents) were SO excited to be able to play outside for hours.  A little yard clean-up ended up in a bonfire … which, of course, meant hot dogs and marshmallows!  Micah got out his “roasting hat,” which he pulls completely over his face to protect himself from heat and smoke.  He peers out of two small rivets in the hat, and claims to be able to see quite well.

Jesse admires his big brother SO much these days, he has to imitate everything Micah does.  “I need a hat, too!,” he insisted.  However, Jesse’s hat has no rivets to peer through.  A blind 2-year old wielding a long sharp stick near open flames needs close supervision, but he enjoyed the process.

He enjoyed his almost-roasted marshmallows, too.

Matthew, true to form, declared that marshmallows were “gicky,” and opted for more hot dogs instead.

Micah sighed a happy, sticky sigh and said, “Mom, this is paradise.”

Looking around at my three happy, healthy boys enjoying the sunshine, my wonderful husband, and my growing belly, I had to agree.  We are so blessed to have a piece of paradise here with our family in our own backyard.