Early Morning Cuddles

Yesterday, Nathan woke up at 5:50, as he usually does.  As is our routine, I got him a cup of milk, started a “Cat in the Hat” video, and sat down with my coffee for 20 minutes of quiet time before our busy day started.

At 6:10, a very sleepy-eyed Matthew came out of his room, and asked to sit on my lap.  He said, “so cozy…” as he drifted off to sleep on my shoulder.  I loved every minute of it – snuggling with my big 10-year-old bundle of love.

For the next half hour, as Matthew slept in my arms, all I could think about was how blessed we are to have this beautiful child in our family.  I thought back to when we were so scared – so unsure of what our future and his future would bring.  What would it be like to raise a child with Down syndrome?  How would it affect our lives and the lives of our other kids?


Snuggling with his biggest cousin, Dominic


Now, we have a big ol’ bundle of goofy cuddly love, and wonder what we were so scared of.  To any new parents wondering what life is going to be like raising a child with an extra chromosome, please know that even though it’s not always easy (but, this is true of any child!), it is SO very worth it.  You will be immeasurably blessed, in ways you can’t even imagine right now.  Yes, you will also be challenged, and you will grow.  You will learn to slow down a little bit, gain patience and understanding, and you will love and be loved like never before.

Matthew woke up, looked up at me with his big blueberry eyes, and said, “I love you, Mommy.  Thanks for the cuddle.”

I love you, too, Mister.  More than you’ll ever know.