Potty Training?

We really didn’t mean to start potty training Matthew . . . and I’m still not sure I would call it that . . . but the fact is, I haven’t changed a poopy diaper all week.

Several weeks ago, the boys were in the bath together and Matthew got “that look.”  Fearing the worst, I immediately scooped him up and put him on the potty, since I had no other option at that point.  He was a little shocked to be scooped up so quickly, but then proceeded to grunt and make a considerable deposit into the toilet.  Since that is the appropriate place for such a thing, we clapped and cheered for him.  He looked like he had no idea what he had just done, but was happy to clap for himself anyway.

A few days later, I noticed that he had really fallen into a pattern.  Almost like clockwork, I would be changing a diaper 30-45 minutes after breakfast.  One day, I was sure I smelled my signal, but as I removed the offending diaper, it turned out to be just gas.  Suspecting there was more on the way, I one again plopped my little Matthew on to the toilet, where he proceeded, again, to make my job much easier by doing his business into the potty instead of his diaper.  The next day, at the first sign of a grunt, he was plopped onto the potty.

Matthew is so receptive to positive reinforcement – he will go through all of his “tricks” to win positive reinforcement and applause – that it did not take long at all for him to learn what earned him applause while on the potty.  Now, I take him to the potty about 45 minutes after breakfast, or other times during the day if he looks or smells like he needs it.  It has been working wonderfully, and I am extremely happy to have changed only wet diapers this week!

I don’t know if I dare to hope that we can keep this up . . . but it’s sure not bad for 17 months!


Is he too young?  Maybe . . . but my dear sister-in-law, mother of five, once told me, “If they are old enough to sit, they are old enough to sit on the potty!”

Aahhhh . . . . .

What a wonderful day.

We drove up to “the mountain” last night – to the condo that Aaron’s parents own in Northern Idaho.  Yesterday was a busy day of packing, organizing, grocery shopping, accounting for everyone’s ski gear, and yes . . . the inevitable search for the “lost mitten.”  Once we were in the car, the kids settled in and went right to sleep, and Aaron and I enjoyed a peaceful drive and a chance to talk with each other.

Today, we did . . . well, pretty much nothing!  But it has been great!  After many late-night ER shifts in a row, Aaron was very ready for some R&R, and the kids and I really needed some “daddy time.”  We slept in, we relaxed, we snuggled up with some books, we did puzzles, and of course had a wrestling/tickling session . . . which is far more fun when daddy’s here! 

After lunch, everyone took a nap, which is a special luxury for me these days, since I am still feeling quite exhausted with this pregnancy.  Micah rarely naps anymore, but he layed down with me and went right to sleep.  I woke up to a sweet, quiet voice saying, “I love you, Mommy.”  What more could I ask for?

Aaron just took Micah outside to play in the snow for awhile, then we’ll head into town to enjoy”the best pizza in the whole world.”  And you know that my husband, the world-traveler, knows his pizza!

The best part is that we still have 4 more days to enjoy!

By the way, I know that I am overdue for an update on Matthew’s motor skills . . . but he took 6 steps in a row yesterday!  Not bad for just 17-months old – but only 9 months with a working heart!

Playing with some new looks . . .

I am playing with some new looks for the blog . . . so it could very well change several times in the next few days!  Although I love the picture I had as a header, it was taken almost a year ago and Matthew has changed a lot since then!  I’m having trouble finding the right picture to use as a header – so any feedback would be welcome!  . . . . and if anyone is really good at this kind of thing, I would love some help!!

Oh Boy . . .

Tonight, Aaron was working late, so I had a nice dinner with just my two little boys.  It’s always busy, trying to get Micah to eat something . . . anything! . . . while trying to curb Matthew’s new game of throwing everything within reach onto the floor.  In the midst of this, Micah made a “boy noise” out of the blue, which, because I am female I cannot accurately reproduce, but it went something like this:


Micah: Bbbbbbrrrrrrrppppppppppttttt!

Matthew:  lauged hysterically, then signed “more.”


Matthew:  lauged even harder, then signed “more” again and said, pppttttt!!

Micah:  recovers from a fit of giggles, then starts BBBBBBRRRRR . . . .

Mommy:  Micah!!!

Micah:  But, Mommy . . . Maffew said “more!”

Matthew:  signing: “more, more, more, more, more”  Pppptttttt!!

Micah:  laughing so hard he can barely breath, but manages to get out another BBBBRRRRRPPPPTTTT!!!!

Matthew:  laughing so hard he can barely sit up, but still manages to sign another “more.”

Oh Boy . . . I’m raising boys!!!!!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

We have primarily used the “more” sign in refering to food.  Tonight, Matthew made the connection on his own and wanted “more” of something that wasn’t food.  Even though it was your brother’s un-gentlemanly table manners, we’re still proud of you, Matthew!

Big News!

We have TWO very big and exciting pieces of news to share!

First, we have added a new child to our family!  We don’t know yet if the baby is a new daughter or a new son, but we are very excited to announce that I am pregnant, due in early September.  I have been feeling especially exhausted with this one, and quite a bit more nauseous than I was with either of the boys, but otherwise doing well.  Aaron took me into his clinic for “ultrasound practice” when I was only 3 weeks since conception, and there was already a definite heartbeat!  I’m happy to help the residents practice their ultrasound skills when it means we get to see our baby!  We have lots of votes for this one to be a girl . . . but we are just praying that he or she is healthy – it would be nice if this baby did not require any major surgery within the first years!!

This is pretty close to what our little one looks like right now:


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Second, we bought a house!!  We went to Walla Walla this past weekend to look at some houses, and found one we couldn’t let go.  So, this week has been busy getting the financing and all of the other details worked out, but we are very excited about this house – it was quite a find!!  For the privacy of the current owners, I’m not going to post pictures right now, but if family and friends want me to send them the link, just let me know.  We will be moving in May . . . which seems awfully soon and awfully far away all at the same time!

When we showed Micah a picture of our new house, he said, “No!  I wanted this one,” and ran to one of his books and pointed out a picture very similar to this:


I guess that’s why we don’t ask 3-year-olds to make any major decisions!!