Introducing: Nathan Timothy

I’d like you to meet someone!

Nathan Timothy surprised us by arriving three weeks early – just in time to be the first baby of 2014 in Walla Walla!


7lbs, 2oz

20 inches long

8:16pm, 01/01/14

We are both doing very well.  Image

Nathan is a popular guy, adored by all of his older siblings. 


In fact, Kaylie is pretty sure that he belongs to her.Image



When we called home to tell the kids that Nathan had been born, Jesse said, “I don’t really care for that name.  May I call him John?”  Now, he says he has gotten used to the name and is o.k. calling him Nathan or Nate.


The “first baby of the year” gets a lot of attention in our community.  Our local newspaper ran a front-page article about him, which you can read here:


Enjoy the pictures.  I’m going to get back to some sweet newborn snuggles now …