Annual Cardiology Check-Up

We saw our cardiology team today for Matthew’s annual check-up, ECG, and echocardiogram.  His heart is still holding steady! 

His mitral valve (the valve between the top and bottom chambers on the left side of the heart) is leaky, but it has been ever since his heart repair.  The leak hasn’t changed over the past 3 years, and there are no signs that it is causing him any problems.  They will continue to monitor it once a year, but right now, there is no need for any medications, procedures, or concerns.

These appointments always remind me what a miracle he is … of how far his heart has come.  From “unrepairable” and “not able to support life” to where we are now.  I am so grateful and humbled, and all I can say is, “Thank You, Lord, for my beautiful boy!”

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Meanwhile, Matthew has invented a new way to keep his shirt clean at the dinner table:
