Matthew is Healthy Now. No More Icky Medicines!

Matthew’s cardiology appointment today went very well. His echocardiogram showed that his heart is doing very well. He still has a tiny “pin-hole” VSD that is not causing any problems and will most likely close on its own over time. The VSD “patch” that Matthew grew himself is actually thicker than the ASD patch the surgeons put in. The doctor said, “Look how much tissue is in that VSD area!” His left ventricle is still normal-size, and the aorta still looks good. And, the mitral and tricuspid valves are functioning very well. Since Matthew’s heart is so strong, and he no longer has any signs of fluid retention, he no longer needs any of his medication! We will follow-up with the cardiologist in 6 months, then see them once a year after that for routine follow-up.

So . . . that’s it! That’s the end of Matthew’s medical interventions. It is incredible to be finished. Finished with feeding tubes, finished with oxygen. Done worrying that my son will stop breathing and eating with every little virus. All done with surgery, no more “sternal precautions” or being home-bound for fear of germs. And now, we’re all done trying to disguise the icky taste of Matthew’s medications in his formula.

He’s healthy now.

4 thoughts on “Matthew is Healthy Now. No More Icky Medicines!

  1. Hooray! I’m so happy for you guys to be free of the sickening worry that something is going to happen to your child at every turn. Congrats! He truly is a miracle!

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