Oh Boy . . .

Tonight, Aaron was working late, so I had a nice dinner with just my two little boys.  It’s always busy, trying to get Micah to eat something . . . anything! . . . while trying to curb Matthew’s new game of throwing everything within reach onto the floor.  In the midst of this, Micah made a “boy noise” out of the blue, which, because I am female I cannot accurately reproduce, but it went something like this:


Micah: Bbbbbbrrrrrrrppppppppppttttt!

Matthew:  lauged hysterically, then signed “more.”


Matthew:  lauged even harder, then signed “more” again and said, pppttttt!!

Micah:  recovers from a fit of giggles, then starts BBBBBBRRRRR . . . .

Mommy:  Micah!!!

Micah:  But, Mommy . . . Maffew said “more!”

Matthew:  signing: “more, more, more, more, more”  Pppptttttt!!

Micah:  laughing so hard he can barely breath, but manages to get out another BBBBRRRRRPPPPTTTT!!!!

Matthew:  laughing so hard he can barely sit up, but still manages to sign another “more.”

Oh Boy . . . I’m raising boys!!!!!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

We have primarily used the “more” sign in refering to food.  Tonight, Matthew made the connection on his own and wanted “more” of something that wasn’t food.  Even though it was your brother’s un-gentlemanly table manners, we’re still proud of you, Matthew!

6 thoughts on “Oh Boy . . .

  1. That is adorable (ok maybe not the gross sounds). Matthew is a smart little guy!! WTG!

    If you get a chance Amy, drop me a quick note and let me know what signs you started out with. I’ve watched the Baby Signing Times video several times and can’t decide which Ishould use first. Thanks in advance 🙂

  2. You are in for it . . . Though like you said- it is great that Matthew is learning to communicate so well! Boys aren’t the only ones who make rude noises- – Lillian can belch on demand. My brother figured it out at Thanksgiving time. Because she gets so much attention for it from the other kids (and adult relatives . . .) we have had a hard time getting her to stop! What happened to my little girl?

    Oh- and I wanted to let you know that Jon was able to still keep the rest of today (saturday) and tomorrow off, so we will be in Spokane.

    Oh- and the pictures of your house are AMAZING!! It is so beautiful! My favorite is the kitchen. Congratulations!

  3. Oh yes! The joys of boys! Just wait till they start making sounds at each other from the other end. I caught Ethan doing that the other day. Or telling Logan if he wanted to do something then he needed to smell Ethan’s stinky feet first (and man, those things stink!). So glad Matthew is learning so well!

  4. That’s awesome, Amy!!! I’m so glad you guys are teaching Matthew baby sign! I worked in a special ed pre-school in high school, and we used sign with all the kids, whether they were verbal or non-verbal or just too little to be verbal. 🙂 And we used it when I taught pre-school in Spokane, too. Both places we taught the kids the signs for “more eat” and “finished” and it’s super cool to watch them make the connections between signs and other aspects of life besides meals! We always taught them the sign for “help,” “thank you,” and “sorry,” too. Those were usually the ones we started with. 🙂 It’s awesome that your boys get along so well! 🙂

  5. That is hilarious….so cute! Even it is burps! That is an awesome connection for Matthew to make…we are working on “eat” “more” “milk” and “please” …those are our 4 to try to do before he is a year??? That was on our IFSP plan…we’ll see. I have been using our Baby Sign DVD’s also…Love them…our kids have been learning as well.

  6. Amy, The gift of laughter can relieve such tension and “bring a joyful noise unto the Lord”. Saw Mary’s picture taken in Walla Walla at Christmas. When she told you, I’m Down syndrom, too. We love her. Luv and prayers, Doc and June

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